
The College of Health and Care Professionals of British Columbia (CHCPBC) is the regulatory body established to regulate dietetics, occupational therapy, opticianry, optometry, physical therapy, psychology, and speech and hearing health professions . The CHCPBC was established on June 28, 2024. The CHCPBC resulted from the amalgamation of the College of Dietitians of BC, the College of Occupational Therapists of BC, the College of Opticians of BC, the College of Optometrists of BC, the College of Physical Therapists of BC, the College of Psychologists of BC, and the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.

Psychology has been a designated health profession under the Health Professions Act since January 1, 2000, and is regulated by the College in accordance with the Act, the Psychologists Regulation and the bylaws of the College.

Psychology has been a regulated profession under British Columbia legislation since 1977. Before designation under the Health Professions Act, the profession was regulated under the Psychologists Act.

Amendments to the Psychologists Regulation

Amendments to the Psychologists Regulation and to most College bylaws are subject to a three-month notice period, unless the Minister specifies a shorter period.

The College is responsible for giving notice of proposed bylaw amendments, including posting them on the College website, and all bylaw amendments must be filed with the Minister to be effective. Filed bylaws come into force 60 days after the date of filing, unless the Minister either disallows the change or specifies an earlier date, or the College withdraws the change.

The full text of the current bylaws and information about any proposed bylaw amendments may be obtained by contacting the College. Comments on proposed bylaw amendments should be submitted to both the College and the Ministry

Proposed Regulation Amendments