Bureau of indian affairs acceptable surety bond form

Document Detail

Title: Exposure Draft Reference No.: IRDAI/NL/WG/SB/375/2020-21 Date: 19/10/2020 Report of the Working Group (WG) on suitability of offering of Surety Bond


Re: Reportof the Working Group (WG) on suitability of offering of Surety Bond by IndianInsurance Industry

AWorking Group was set up by the Authority videorder Ref:IRDAI/NL/ORD/MISC/170/07/2020dated 1 st July, 2020 to study the Suitability of offering SuretyBonds by Indian Insurance Industry.

TheWorking Group has submitted its report in which it has made variousrecommendations related to underwriting of such risks.

Wenow place the report of the Working Group and seek the valuable inputs of allstakeholders on the recommendations (page numbers 51 to 61) made in the report.Please give your feedback in the attached format on or before 9 th November, 2020 to the following e-mail ids:


ChiefGeneral Manager (Non-life)